do. you have to calibrate my digital hygrometer?

I would recommend calibrating any hygrometer. Put half cup of salt in a cup with quarter cup of water (should be like wet sand consistency) put cup and hygrometer in a large plastic bag, seal bag and wait 10-12 hours. The hygrometer should say 75% humidity. If it says anything else, you know which way to adjust when you're using it; if it says 70% add 5% each time you read it.
I have a digital model that came with my Dickey and when I calibrated it I found it was four points low. This is within the tolerances the manufacturer specifies, but I like to be more precise than that.

Super big thanks to everyone. Sorry for the weird grammar in my question-- it was done from my phone while I was fighting off three boys for attention. It would have been flattering but they were my kids and they just wanted candy.

I will calibrate my Timex Hygrometer today- yea and kudos to those who answered!

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