3-4 Week (Possibly 5-6) Old Leghorn, Roo?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 15, 2010
Sorry, kinda new at this.
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I thought my Leghorn gals were roos until they started laying eggs! Mine have big floppy red combs. I have no idea how to sex or any of that, so I just waited, and wallah! I have all great layer hens. I hope you have the same luck.
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He/She is about 8 inches in length and 6 inches tall. What makes you say it's a meat bird?
He/She is about 8 inches in length and 6 inches tall. What makes you say it's a meat bird?

Just the shape of his eyes. They are different than my Leghorns' eyes, and remind me of some meatie chick pictures I have seen.

No big deal though. Mine are hens afterall, not roosters so I might be totally wrong.

If you had a full body pic it would tell for sure.
He/She is about 8 inches in length and 6 inches tall. What makes you say it's a meat bird?

Just the shape of his eyes. They are different than my Leghorns' eyes, and remind me of some meatie chick pictures I have seen.

No big deal though. Mine are hens afterall, not roosters so I might be totally wrong.

If you had a full body pic it would tell for sure.

Yeah I'll try to get a full body pic, but haha I don't know if I can, Major. Hoolihan (The possible roo) is super squeamish, He/She'll bolt at any sight of freedom. Notice my firm grip in the picture.
He/She is about 8 inches in length and 6 inches tall. What makes you say it's a meat bird?

Just the shape of his eyes. They are different than my Leghorns' eyes, and remind me of some meatie chick pictures I have seen.

No big deal though. Mine are hens afterall, not roosters so I might be totally wrong.

If you had a full body pic it would tell for sure.

Yeah I'll try to get a full body pic, but haha I don't know if I can, Major. Hoolihan (The possible roo) is super squeamish, He/She'll bolt at any sight of freedom. Notice my firm grip in the picture.

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