These are my chicks from MPC my little rooster is better.


11 Years
Mar 2, 2008
Gibsonville, NC
The first two pictures are before I had to move my Brown leghorn.


This is my brown leghorn in the hospital brooder a couple days ago.

There is 1 Dominique, Americana, Buff oprington, and silver laced wyandotte hens.

1 Brown leghorn rooster.
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I don't really know he seemed like he was weak and he had a hard time standing. He seems like he is doing better since we seperated him from the others. Do you know what might be causing that.

That one little rooster is still having some trouble walking. It looks like his right leg is sliding to the side. It still shakes a little to, but not has bad as at first. I thought it was his foot at first but I don't think so now.

Any Help whould be greatly appreciated.
sounds like it may be spraddle leg. I'd take a bandaid and put it around his legs to keep them at a normal angle together or a piece of yarn or string works, too (NOT red).

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