Saying Goodbye to Spook


RIP ?-2014
12 Years
Apr 20, 2007
only the shadow knows.....
Spook nearly jumped out of Lurchie's arms when she caught sight and smell of the water. That spark, eyes shining brightly. That goofy, silly smile. She waddled down into the water under her own power. Sheer joy! I've never seen a dog love water so! From her first day with us. Water and food were number one on her list. She was so happy to just stand there and feel her body's weightlessness.After bit she just wanted to relax. She layed there in the water as Mommy held her head in my hands and whispered sweet nothings in her ear. I told her it was ok to go, that Bashful was waiting for her at the bridge, Mommy and Dad and the rest of the kids would follow when it was time. She gave me a deep look in the eye and I knew it was time. I told Lurchie to get "my things". She got up and walked out in the water with him one last time. The 2 came back and set beside me. We held her and love her as we left her at the bridge.


Rest well my baby, Mommy loves you so very much.
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(big hugs) to you..... its so hard saying goodbye to our beloved pets. words cant describle my sorrow for you. Although i dont know you, its a sad lovely story what connection between dog -and- human can have.

my thoughts are with you.

Oh Coyote, what a sweet rest you've laid your girl down to. My heart goes out to you and Lurchie. I'm so glad you had such a beautiful moment with her before letting her cross the bridge.


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