What breed / gender is this? Updated with pics!!!


10 Years
Jul 11, 2009
Supposed to be a austarlorp but feed store has already been wrong on two other chicks! Also while you are here can you guess at a gender. Supposed to be a pullet but look at the comb and wattles. This chick is 4 weeks old.




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Well I can tell you that it does look like a roo. I also got a sexed pullet at the feed store, which turned out to be a roo. He's a beautiful RIR, and we love him now...so all is good that ends well. I can't tell the breed though, although my black sex link pullets had the orange on the chest like that.
Yeah that is what we firgured we name him pecker. He would peck at everyone and anything.
Just got to figure outwhat he is. He is such a sweetheart and def a keeper.
It looks like a black sex link, and if it is, it's definatley a girl. I know it sounds funny but I had a BSL that I knew was a girl, but I was still paranoid because it was developing early.
This bird is the biggest of all the chicks and 3rd when you compare feathering. Also hasthe biggest comb andwattles. Hmm IDK it feathered quickly and developed wattles and a cmb quickly as well. How well did your blacksex link grow?

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