What's with my Roo's comb?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 24, 2010
My rooster, who seems very alive and well in all other ways, has what looks like white and black specks on his comb. Is this mites? I have attached a photo (sorry - it's black and white since something happened to the camera and I don't know how to get the colours back!!) Hope this is helpful. Also, it appears that there are feathers missing on his front neck/chin. We have had very cold temperatures for the last week or so.

Any guesses at what it might be, if it's curable and if so, how?

Looks like he has mites/lice on his comb, might need some Sevin dust and vaseline his comb.

As for the beard, looks like new feathers coming in....are they clumped near the roots of his beard feathers? If you question it, best to dust that little guy good and spray down the roosts and other birds should be dusted as well. Strip out beddings and so forth.
Thanks EweSheep. I think you're right about the mites/lice. I would prefer not to use Sevin dust, so I wonder what my other options are? Gotta go looking ;-)

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