Unknown Breeds? Could someone tell me what breeds they could be?


8 Years
Jul 19, 2011
These two were given to me and i dont have clue to what breeds they are, i think the brown one has a bit of silkie because of the blue on the side of her head, but other than that?
They definitely look like mixes, but they are really neat looking! I love the first one, she looks like a silkie mix. The second one maybe a leghorn mix.
im not sure on the age but the white one lays small pure white circular eggs and the other one cream coloured small eggs
The brown one looks like silkie mixed with giraffe! Look at that neck! Seriously, idk.

I also don't know what would make a comb like the white hens, maybe mixing a rose comb and a huge leghorn straight comb? Sorry I can't be more help.
Does the white hen have feathered legs? Are they full size or bantams?

The first hen has some Silkie in her for sure, and possibly some Old English Game too.
Yeah I would say Mutts with God knows what kind of blood could be in them.

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