Roo or hen?


9 Years
Aug 12, 2010
Austin, TX
So I went back and forth on this guy when he was little. I'm leaning towards rooster, as "he's" very skittish and squawks more randomly then my hens. "He" is about 5 months old. I haven't had any crowing yet. Also, when I was letting them roost in the trees "he" went to the highest branches that "he" could get to. When do roosters typically crow?

I have a neighbor 4 blocks down the road, we can hear her roosters crowing in the morning (faintly but can hear them) and he doesn't respond to those yet....I just need to know if I should craigslist "him" or if it's a girl. Also, I was told "he" was a mix. Originally thought was americauna but I can CLEARLY see that isn't true.

"him" as a chick:

"him" now:
That's a rooster 100% no doubt. Large comb and wattles, long hackle feathers, long saddle and sickle feathers. NO DOUBT. Some start crowing later than others. I've had them not start crowing until 7 months and I've had them try at 7 weeks... They just develop at different rates.

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