Plants around coop ????????

I'm sorry, I don't know what ribbon grass is. But it occurred to me to ask a question...

Are you wondering if the chickens will harm the grass, or if the grass will harm the chickens?
Why not plant something pretty and useful like nasturtiums. Great in human salads (flowers and leaves) and supposed to prevent internal parasites in chickens. It's an easy to grow annual that thrives in poor conditions.

Just a thought.
Nasturtiums grow easily from seed, at least where I live. Sometimes I can find them at the big box stores where they sell the started herbs & vegetables.

I hadn't thought of planting them by the coops. I often plant things that look pretty and are also good for the chickens to eat. They like collards & spinach, which I grow from seed. I have wire shelving pieces I can put over them, to keep them from digging it all up.
do you just lay the wire shelving on the ground and let the seeds grow through it?

Do you think that would work in the coop?

ah dumb question nothing grows in the coop.. themoment it thought about growing someone would peck it..LOL
I plan to plant lavender around the run/coop. It isn't on the don't list and it will smell nice. I also plan to make lavender oil with the harvested blooms. (if they don't eat it all)

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