"Adopt a BYC Crochet Sister/Brother" - Sign Ups Closed

Shmooborp - for as long as Queen Scoot keeps you
(or as for as long as you stay in the "club"

Sewincircle - Pick someone. I can certainly try to adopt you, if you want, but I am not the best Crochet mentor. I will try to call in someone. SE might be your best choice.
PM her and see if she can take on 2 adoptees.
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I would like to join this group as well, if permitted. I have been crocheting for several years but I still have problems getting my squares to line up and doing the turns on the rows. So I mostly use either a single crochet or half double crochet when I make things. Mostly Afghans for the my bed.

Oh and I need to be adopted as I am a poor widdle orphan!
Welcome Fr. Chuck!
I will see what I can do about getting you someone to look after you. I will let you know asap.

Glad to have you!
Sewincircle - Pick someone. I can certainly try to adopt you, if you want, but I am not the best Crochet mentor. I will try to call in someone. SE might be your best choice. PM her and see if she can take on 2 adoptees.

JeanMarie, consider yourself adopted!!! Whooo hoo!!! Feel free to give me a yell with any crochet questions, general forum ones too. I do work full time but am on vac. this week so typically I am only around early....VERY early mornings and evenings. Email or pm me if you need me. Welcome to the crochet group!! WOW Rocket, 3 people brand new inone day..that speaks volumes for an expansion having been needed, I am stunned!!

Hey Schmoo, Sewin & Chuck...are you all asking to be in the spring granny square swap also? Or are you just wanting to be included in the general crochet madness that is this group? Either is fine, but I will need to add you to the list is you want to do the granny squares so the count is right..go to the swap thread, page 1, and read the few rules and let me know, you are all welcome and we never fret over the professionalism of the squares, we just enjoy everyone working on them no matter what they look like in the end..although they all turn out great in the end even with everyone's worry!! So just let me know if you want to be included in that or not and again WELCOME!!!! Awesome to have so many new folks!​
Hey, I guess I could adopt one person. I'm also a full time worker, but now that the new job is leveling out, demand-wise, I could take on a newbie.

I'm off to work now, I'll try to check back this afternoon or this evening.


Thanks, Gals, it's hopefully easier than it looks. Just help out and PM your buddy to let them know you will help out with their general questions.

The list of people are up in the first thread and I hope that more people will "sign up" from the Crochet Club too.

Mangled, do you want to be adopted, yourself to help with the updates from the "main club" site?
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To PineBurrowPeeps, Shmooborp, FrChuckW, Sewincircle!

Our main thread is https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=47327&p=1 which is the BYC Crochet Club and Spring Square Swap.

Visit us there for Spring swap info and general news. Here you will get a cozy "learner's corner" to rest a bit from the busy-ness that is over at the other thread.

Ladies and gents who are adopting a buddy, please PM your buddy and tell them what you are doing.
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I am so excited to be adopted! Yeah!
Thank Scrambled Egg!
I would like to do the swap, My squares may not be very fancy though.
I do like to try new patterns and stuff but I dont want to dissapoint people with the traditional stuff that I really know. People probably really get fancy here! When do we have to mail them out? Since its a spring swap, my guess is spring! (You didnt know you adopted such a wise person did you...hehehe) I can look back at the thread begining...I am sure its there. Count me in! I am jumping in with both feet!

I am excited to pull out my old granny square book! LOL
I would like to do the swap, My squares may not be very fancy though.

We are happy to have you in the swap, no worries about the looks of your squares, they WILL get better with practice...hop over to the swap thread and chat with everyone there..adding your name to the list there too
My box is empty now Queen Scoot!!! Sowwy! I'm just so popular it got away from me

So am I still for adoption?

Here's some about me:

I am housebroken, young, cute, and I don't eat alot. I am good on a leash, up to date on my shots but I'm not spayed. I love a good romp outside and to play ball or to curl up in front of the fireplace with a book. I am loving and affectionate but not a face licker and I won't chew your shoes, I'll wear them (anyone have any Manolo Blahnik?

Anyone want me?
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