Crafters- What are you making???

That is adorable.....I
I love precious moments. That is darling.
Those placemats are great. I am hooked on homemade soaps. Morgaine traded me some soap for diapers and I love it!!

This is just for everyone to get a great chuckle. I have been asked to make these to protect the clean feet of bathed show chickens. Chicken booties.

This is Mabel modeling the chicken booties. She actually wore them and didn't try to pull them off.
I promised her a treat if she did this for me and told her I won't make her wear them anymore.


That sounds like a good idea. I've thought about making socks for the millies feet, but worried that they'd hurt themselves slip-sliding around. And now that I have a white showgirl I've been thinking about stockinged feet a LOT MORE!!!
Not to step on any toes here but wouldn't the material that you buy to put on the bottom of childrens PJ's work on the bottom of those chicken booties. Ya can find it in the sewing dept, it has little bumps on it so they don't skid.

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