US made Coop

Try getting a premade shed from the local Menards or Lowes store. The steel ones are cheaper than you could build yourself. Of course you still have to get nest boxes & install roosts but that isn't too hard.
I like these coops:

I didn't buy from them, but I modeled my own coop on their design.

If you want to buy a ready made coop, check your local Craigs List or google your city/town with the words "chicken coop." Shipping something as big as a chicken coop is expensive, so that adds significantly to the cost of buying one. You might be able to find a local carpenter willing to build to your specifications, too.

Finally, are you absolutely sure you don't want to build your own? It's really not that hard, just time consuming.
I built my own, (brief bio: female, 52, English teacher) and yes, it was a time consumer and a little difficult for me at times, but I'm proud of the results. My friends have gone to a company that specializes in storage sheds that they build on the spot and ordered one customized for chickens. I didn't ask the price but I don't think it was too expensive.

Good luck,
I actually started with a local person. He built a great barn for our mini donkeys. He did not charge very much at all for his work. He is a very sweet and honest person. I actually gave him some extra when he was done. However, this time, the poor guy is sick and has not been able to do the coop. I bought the little chicks 4 weeks ago and am very ready for them to be out in a coop. Right now they are in our shower. I put cardboard down, then newspaper, then shavings. It still is VERY stinky after a short time.
LOL I might have to just take a deep breath, (if I still can) and build something. It will be a huge challenge for me. I have never used a saw, nails(other than to put up a picture) in my life. I am afraid if I start, it will turn into a terrible mess.
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Thanks! I gave them a call and left a message.

I will be ordering one this week. They actually will make a 6x4 which is not listed on the site.

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