This is how my morning started.....

Yard full o' rocks

10 Years
Mar 24, 2009
Cartersville, Georgia
Morning all....was just up turning out the Columbian Rock bunch when my Golden Retriever went crazy barking. She normally doesn't bark at much. I turned around and walking up were these, they simply wandered out with several of my chooks and went to eating breakfast




These are "my" 2 little whitetail fawns that were born in June. Their mama raises her newborns around the house every year for the past 5-6 years. Not sure where mama was this morning, but the little guys walked within 10 ft of me and were not the least bit afraid. They ate a while then just wandered off.

What a beautiful start to the day!!!!
Whew. I thought at first those were coyotes dining on hens....

Cute. Be careful around the babies, though. Mama Deer might get persnickity and she can lay some hurt on you.
Yay! We, too, have a doe that raises babies in our area every year. We have her last-years baby that visits every day, she likes to hang around the chicken pen ... and mom and her this-years baby come by every couple of days ..

Too fun! Beautiful.
Indeed a great start to any day.
I am blessed to start every day this way as well. For us, seeing deer every day around the farm is as normal as seeing airplanes in the sky. And we've got lots of rebellious teenage does that aren't too afraid of what is going on around the barn.
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