
Har and Mau's first chicken coop

I started building this 10'X12' chicken coop after a very bad experience with predators a few months back. It was built out of recycled materials from an old shed that was sitting in the middle of my acre property when I bought it. Around the coop is a 16'X25' run fenced with a combination of chain link and poultry wires. I also installed poultry wires over the run to protect my chickens from potential predators. I used 3/4" PVC pipings to hold the poultry wires up. I now have a total of 20 chickens, some I bought from my next door neighbor, some were given to me for free by another neighbor who was amused by our coop. I will be adding more as I learned that our city allows a maximum of 150 chickens in an acre property. Some people raise dogs, cats, parrots, mice, and other animals as pets. I may stick with chickens for awhile as I found out that they are cheaper and much easier to maintain. They produce eggs and they can be killed and eaten without going through emotional agony. :-)
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