
My Barred Rock Flock

These are my big babies. They are a beautiful chicken breed and great layers!
We have some Barred Rocks as well. Ours are still young though, 9 weeks, but they sure are pretty when full grown.
As of right now I only have these 3. I believe mine are about a year maybe a lil older. My rooster is huge! He comes to my knees and he weighs about 8 to 10 lbs. I have 12 in the incubator due to hatch 4-26! We're so excited, this is my kids favorite time! They are very pretty full grown and they are some of the best egg layers I've owned so far!
They haven't been our best layers(when we've had BR Hens) but I do love their broodiness and size. I've never seen a Barred Rock Rooster though. Sounds gorgeous!
I usually have the Bantam breed. I just love how little and cute they I've had quite a few other big stock but these I have had the longest. My others ended up getting killed by a dog:( So these we are sticking to just cause they are so pretty! What has been ur best layers??
Honestly, probably my white plymouth rock and white leghorn. I also keep ducks, as those typically lay better than my hens. Right now I have a giant pekin and 2 rouens. Lol.
I had a White Leghorn and now that I think of it, it did lay pretty good. I ended up trading it to a guy at a Trade Day at Tractor Supply and 10 mins. later she laid an egg in the cage in the back of his He said it left him a lil present!! I'm thinking about getting Black Jersey Giants, they are so pretty! I also have Bantams and 2 pair of Call Ducks!

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