Recent content by AHoags

  1. AHoags

    Blue Swedish duckling - deformed beak?

    My Black Swedish with the misformed bill, Minnie, is a year old and still with us. She's still a messy eater, but she's well-nourished and even tries to forage with her sisters.
  2. AHoags

    Blue Swedish duckling - deformed beak?

    Well, my Black Swedish is over 4 weeks old and still with us. Her bill has gotten more deformed, and it seems that the bottom is growing properly, but the top isn't. She seems to be managing to eat and drink enough, for now. She's growing and is nearly the same size as the other ducklings...
  3. AHoags

    HELP!?!? Male or Female Welsh Harlequin??

    When I guessed a Welshie/Silver Appleyard mix from the video, I don't think I saw the duckling photos. The adult bird's coloring is kind of light like a Welshie or Silver Appleyard, and she has the eye stripes of a Silver Appleyard or Rouen. Based on the ducklings, I'd definitely agree and say...
  4. AHoags

    Nesting Mom with New Ducks

    I've had success integrating my new ducks with a see-through barrier for about a week. This protects them from the older ducks and allows the older ducks to get used to their presence. Good luck!
  5. AHoags

    HELP!?!? Male or Female Welsh Harlequin??

    They both sound like females to me. I also think that you have a cross between a Welsh Harlequin and a Silver Appleyard. Her body is identical to my Welshie female, but her head is identical to my Silver Appleyard female. My female ducks will mount one another in our pond on occasion; it seems...
  6. AHoags

    Duck breed recommendations

    Over the years, I have had Welsh Harlequins (which are my favorite personalities), White Layers, Buff, and Blue Swedish. All have been pretty good layers (White Layer is best) and have all had pleasant, social temperaments. I socialize with them a lot, though, especially when they are young...
  7. AHoags

    Anyone know what she's trying to tell us?

    I had a white layer who would behave that way whenever she was going to get broody, and, as some others said, my normally friendly duck was defensive; she wasn't too bad when I was near her, but she'd give my husband a very hard time!
  8. AHoags

    Blue Swedish duckling - deformed beak?

    I got mine from Metzer as well. I have two Blue Swedish from there who are totally fine, though. As you said, there may be something genetic to blame. I've contacted them. Thanks for the information. I'll keep an eye on her growth and progress. If she isn't going to make it, I don't suppose...
  9. AHoags

    Blue Swedish duckling - deformed beak?

    I'm sorry that you lost your duck. That's always sad, and it's especially hard when they are little, because they are so cute. Thanks for the advice. I've already wet the food. She's going through the motions of eating and drinking and tipping her head back, but it's hard to say how much is...
  10. AHoags

    Blue Swedish duckling - deformed beak?

    I just got a Black Swedish with the same issue. I've contacted the farm about it. She seems to be eating and drinking fine, but it's only been a day. Any new updates or information? Thanks.
  11. AHoags

    Hen died yesterday

    Thank you so much for your reply. I keep trying to think over every scenario. If she did have a respiratory illness, what can I do to best protect the rest of my flock? I assume that it could be contagious and they eat and drink from the same source. When you mentioned the heart issue, I had...
  12. AHoags

    Hen died yesterday

    I'm sorry to piggyback on your thread, but I can't find the correct place to start a new one. I had a year and half old RIR hen die in my arms this evening and I'm hoping that someone can help me to figure out why. I came home from work and went out to feed them and give them some more water...
  13. AHoags

    Limping duck

    I want to piggyback on this post with a question about my duck. She's a six month old Blue Swedish and she must have injured her foot. We noticed her limping a few weeks ago. I checked her for bumblefoot and found none. I looked at and felt her legs and didn't notice anything. We thought that...
  14. AHoags

    Possible Infection?

    Thank you. I will try that as a precaution. For how long or how often should I treat her legs? Would you recommend using diatomaceous earth in the coop and for dusting? I was reading last night about its use to kill and prevent parasites.
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