Recent content by alanaartist

  1. alanaartist

    HUGE BYC Contest – Pics W/ Tudy- FB Tags - WINNER ANNOUNCED

    Wow, I didn't see the rule change about the age limit that was posted too. I had a friend who was going to send in a picture and didn't because it was one her kids had taken and the rules had an age limit that ruled them out. I can't keep up with all the changes myself.
  2. alanaartist

    My babies don't love me???

    I was thinking the same thing...but I finally am having a "love" breakthrough. My chicks are 4.5 weeks now. Cottage cheese did it. The chicks had no interest in my hands...didn't want to be near them no matter how patient I was or what treat was in them or what I decorated my hands with. I was...
  3. alanaartist

    I have new babies. How do I work with them to make them tame adults?

    I am the proud new mama of three baby silkies. I got them at one day old and they will be two weeks old in two days. Although I have been reading voraciously on how to make them happy chickens and even bought books, I cannot find anywhere how to start from day one to make them tame as adults...
  4. alanaartist


    Maybe it depends on what city you are in? I got one day old silkies that came from a show quality hen (currently used for that purpose) and paid $15 for three. She had beautiful chickens and I feel fortunate. I looked on Craigslist and no one had new babies so I wrote people who had old ads...
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