Recent content by alwaystj9

  1. alwaystj9

    How do I kill ants in and around chicken coop?

    Thanks for the links
  2. alwaystj9

    How do I kill ants in and around chicken coop?

    Do you know what products they used?
  3. alwaystj9

    How do I kill ants in and around chicken coop?

    I tried Amdro years ago but it is made from corn and chickens, goats & other animals really like to eat it. My chickens were eating it as fast as I put it out until I realized why they were following me. None got sick or had any reactions but I haven't used it since. From the company (BASF)...
  4. alwaystj9

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    I do use craigslist, I find it easier to work with than FB. I also don't need to watch it as closely as FB because it all goes to email. Also the scammers are pretty noticeable. Actually they can be pretty funny: one scammer wanted me to mail him some goats...
  5. alwaystj9

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I was offline for some months now, trying to gently step back in. HaydenGoseek, I am very sorry for the loss of your wife. I am sure she is missed on the forum. I was not aware that y'all were married. I confess...Ursuline Chick? I guess I figured that she was a nun.😟
  6. alwaystj9

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    I took a computer break, shut down FB and realized that I was still online an awful lot with some forums so I shut it all down for a while. I am getting better adapted to retirement. The chicken and goat population are getting a little out of hand so I just took sales pictures and am about to...
  7. alwaystj9

    Winter is coming...What is left on your to-do list?

    Sorry about the waterer! I have often wondered why chickens moult when they do. Maybe because they should be fat from summer forage so they have enough mass to stay warm while they swap out feathers? I am sure there's some kind of evolutionary answer.
  8. alwaystj9

    Winter is coming...What is left on your to-do list?

    So I had to look up "Mast Year". "Every few years, some species of trees and shrubs produce a bumper crop of their fruits or nuts. The collective term for these fruits and nuts is 'mast', so we call this a mast year." So I learned something! Not a term I have heard down here in the south. My...
  9. alwaystj9

    Baby goat

    yup. :caf
  10. alwaystj9

    Baby goat

    She's blue eyed.
  11. alwaystj9

    Baby goat

    First baby of the season! This is Lulu, tricolor ND, born 11/8and weighing 3.5lbs.
  12. alwaystj9

    Winter is coming...What is left on your to-do list?

    I have used those screws in the past, they are great. My local hardware guy suggested this: to attach the corrugated sheets to this: Which is already tacked on the coop top. It's a small extra coop so I can test it out. If it starts toseparate, I can add screws later.
  13. alwaystj9

    Winter is coming...What is left on your to-do list?

    What size openings? 4"?
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