Recent content by amandadrewry

  1. amandadrewry

    How Long Does It Take To Tell A Female Turkey From A Male?

    Google is what led me to this forum in the first place. I apologize if I asked a stupid question, but I was under the impression that this was a place to learn. My mistake.
  2. amandadrewry

    How Long Does It Take To Tell A Female Turkey From A Male?

    Newbie here, what exactly is the snood? I have 6 royal palm poults that are about 7 weeks old. This is my first time ever with turkey. I have no idea what I have, just trying to learn a little here. Thanks!
  3. amandadrewry

    Malformed chicks

    A few chicks from a batch of eggs I ordered have hatched with problems. I feel like it could be a vitamin deficiency in breeders but I can't find any information. One chick has a growth on its neck, another has no feathers on its neck or top of head, one has intestines hanging out, and 2 have...
  4. amandadrewry

    Hatching Eggs!!!: 40+ Breeds to choose from: Starting at $3/each

    I tried sending you a message, not sure if it went through.
  5. amandadrewry

    Hatching Eggs!!!: 40+ Breeds to choose from: Starting at $3/each

    Ok,thank you. I will be contacting you soon. Right now the weather is treacherous where I live, so I think I'd like to give it a little more time. Thanks again!
  6. amandadrewry

    Hatching Eggs!!!: 40+ Breeds to choose from: Starting at $3/each

    Are the prices on the original post accurate or is there an updated price list I'm missing? Also, I didn't see the price for faverolles.
  7. amandadrewry

    Can someone share pics of young wyandottes please?

    So am I understanding right that your all going off of the large dark red patch on wing? I have at least one more that I didn't get a pic of that looks like that. The others the red is more scattered everywhere. Does that go for other breeds too?
  8. amandadrewry

    Can someone share pics of young wyandottes please?

    I finally got some to work! I know their not the best pics, but they were very uncooperative!
  9. amandadrewry

    Can someone share pics of young wyandottes please?

    Well compared to those pics I'm not sure if I have any roosters. I've tried several times to post pics today but they won't upload. Thank you for sharing!
  10. amandadrewry

    Can someone share pics of young wyandottes please?

    Yes, blue laced red wyandottes, mine are not nearly that pretty though. I would love to get some like the one in the picture! Gorgeous!
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