Recent content by Amberjones29

  1. A

    Pullet or cockerel

    I have three 8 week old Easter eggers. I know for sure one of them is a cockerel but these other two have me stumped. The white (pancake) is giving me hen vibes. The gray one (stormy) is still very much an I don’t know. In the 3rd picture is the other one that is for sure a cockerel.
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    Muscovy gender

    They are 6 months old.
  3. A

    Muscovy gender

    I’m pretty sure they’re all the same size. That’s why I’m so confused 😂
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    Muscovy gender

    So I probably need another hen so over breeding doesn’t take place?
  5. A

    Muscovy gender

    Can anyone help me with genders? I haven’t heard any of them make noises (hissing) so I can’t tell which one or if all of them are drakes. Duck #1 is peanut Duck #2 is butter Duck #3 is jelly Yes, their names are peanut, butter, and jelly.
  6. A

    Roosters or hens?

    I posted updates.
  7. A

    Roosters or hens?

    Here’s another picture of this one’s comb, the one I posted isn’t great.
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    Roosters or hens?

    Still no crowing though!
  9. A

    Roosters or hens?

    Here’s an update! 2 for sure are Roos. Pictures 1-2. Legbar is a hen, picture 3. Still unsure about #4- yellow. #5- black ameraucana. #6- black EE ( not sure if anyone can tell without tail feathers, they’re being plucked by the legbar)
  10. A

    Roosters or hens?

    I don’t think so. I posted updated pics in the comments
  11. A

    Roosters or hens?

    Here are some updated pictures for y’all! I think they’re 8 weeks old now. My wyandottes would be about 10-12 weeks now. Still no one crowing! Any guess now? I know my legbar is a hen. The black ones have me stumped. My yellow chick is either an amberlink or ameraucana based on google pics (she)...
  12. A

    Roosters or hens?

    No crowing at all. They were young when we got them. I want to say about 2 weeks old. So they smaller ones would be about 5 weeks? And my Wyandottes were 3-4 weeks. Let me post some more pictures. This is the day we got them, you can’t see a whole lot because they’re huddled up. These pictures...
  13. A

    Roosters or hens?

    Got any ideas for the other chicks?
  14. A

    Roosters or hens?

    Yes all of them are wet, we’ve had a lot of rain. That’s the one I was talking about with the tail feathers being pulled out by the legbar.
  15. A

    Roosters or hens?

    I forgot to add one! Sorry!
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