Recent content by avidFFa

  1. avidFFa

    Rescue ID

    Of course XP. I will absolutely give him a hug when i see him(the only willing chicken hug i think ill ever get)
  2. avidFFa

    Rescue ID

    It would be a fun test. She has a few brown layers, the problem would be getting him anywhere near them -_-''. I think he shall just remain "Seraph, official lap warmer" for the time being. Seriously, his behavior is just the cutest. Thanks for the help thus far.
  3. avidFFa

    Rescue ID

    That is good to know. However, if he is a he(sex feathers look male to me) how would you determine if they have the blue/green egg gene? Or would you have to proof breed him.
  4. avidFFa

    Rescue ID

    Thanks, that's what i was thinking, though i thought EE had darker legs(I may be confusing breeds) of course, he could be a mix of god knows what. Of the other birds she had there was 1 Americauna, 1 Araucauna and something of a mix. The first two though were amazing representations of their...
  5. avidFFa

    Rescue ID

    This last summer I did some work with the local SPCA and Bird Rescue in newyork. At a farm festival my family runs we had a lady who brought rabbits and chicks for everyone to "pet". As it turns out she was simply selling all the animals without proper care instructions and leaving them out all...
  6. avidFFa

    Muscovy? Duck ID

    Nopes. Its a little 52 acre farm plot behind the school in a suburban neighborhood. We havnt seen heads or tails of coons or possum, the coyotes live in the woods by my house. The rat snakes and barn cat take care of the mink and rat populations. The rat snakes dont bother the poultry. Just...
  7. avidFFa

    Muscovy? Duck ID

    Thanks, part of the reason i asked was because we planned to bury some chicken wire and burlap around the enclosure to keep the foxes from digging in. Between them and the hawks, those are the only 2 predators we have to contend with.
  8. avidFFa

    Muscovy? Duck ID

    Thanks. For now they are in a run in the hen house. They have a large tub. They dont use it much, it has easy access though if they need it. They are really putting on the weight/feathers fast. We will be setting up the new enclosure soon. We just got a new bull today though so its a little...
  9. avidFFa

    Muscovy? Duck ID

    Guess ill be going we shall go with some top cover over the area. We've had a hawk take a few of the new young birds, 1 EE cockrel and 2 orpinton pullets. Someone on a different forum said runner ducks...which is highly unlikley. I mean, unless someone got ducks for easter and they escaped/were...
  10. avidFFa

    Muscovy? Duck ID

    The ducklings we rescued a month ago are growing up fast. Its now appearent that they are not mallards or mottled ducks from what i can tell. Im thinking possibly Muscovy. They were from the street so difinitley a wild or feral breed here in the gulf(manatee county FL) Heres a pic of the one i...
  11. avidFFa

    Post Easter income IDs

    Thank you both, I didnt think aus had yellow neck feather either, why i asked. hes a great bird still though, well behaved. I just realized how obviously male that red EE is. WOW i was not paying attention there. On a brighter note, now we have a breeding project. Thanks again. Any ideas on...
  12. avidFFa

    Post Easter income IDs

    So wait, the 2 younger guys i posted after the seramas are both EE pullets? (there are 2 pics of each bird). Then the large black guy is a Birchin maran. The maltempered guy is a.... and the ducks are malards btw, they were found on the road, mum hit by a car, dad no where to be seen.
  13. avidFFa

    Post Easter income IDs

    As expected, after easter we get quite a few birds that were either chicks or decor. We actually hatched a few this year for our own, no labels though. Our only easter birds so far are 3 bantam roos. they seem to be seramas?
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