Recent content by b0bb0

  1. b0bb0

    Moving indoor chickens outside?

    Hello, we recently got our first chickens (three sussex pullets - not quite laying yet), and we are going to get 2 silkies as well. I just spoke with someone who would like to sell me 2 silkie hens, and they're about a year old. They were kept inside all last winter, and were kept outside over...
  2. b0bb0

    Modifying the "Minimalist" coop

    Wow, thanks everybody for the advice. That link about temperature vs. ventilation was really good. I think I've seen something about that somewhere, but there's so much information to remember that I'd forgotten about it. I think I'll keep with the original design, but use a shingled roof. I...
  3. b0bb0

    Modifying the "Minimalist" coop

    Hi Everyone! First time poster here, we'll see how it goes! I live in West Michigan (an hour north of Grand Rapids). We've decided to get chickens as both a fun learning experience for our three kids, and a source of healthy, natural eggs. We plan to get 4 hens- one silkie spicifically for...
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