Recent content by BantamNest

  1. BantamNest

    What chicken is this??! I must have it. Its perfection!

    According to the standard Brown Red and Birchen modern games should have gypsy faces. This is not a black skinned bird it just has a lot of melanisers in it's skin that cause the gypsy (or mulberry) in the face. There are a lot of Modern games cockerels with red faces but the ideal is that they...
  2. BantamNest

    Cocopop or Birchen Serama

    I'm looking for a cocopop serama male or a birchen serama female. I am trying to start a colour project so if it's possible to post several pictures of the sale bird, and it's parents, I would really appreciate that. I really don't care that much about price as long as the bird is worth it. I...
  3. BantamNest

    Naked neck?

    It's hard to tell from the picture, but if the feathers curl outward it's a frizzle.
  4. BantamNest

    I want to get 3 backyard chickens for pets & eggs- Please Help

    Though some books suggest that birds of the same breed will gravitate toward each other, you can totally mix and match whatever breeds you want. My only suggestion would be to pick birds of similar size (no bantams and large fowl, though this can work). A few good layers are: Rhode Islands...
  5. BantamNest

    Chicks with the hen in the winter will they survive?

    I just hatched chicks last month. I would recommend keeping the chicks and broodies inside if you aren't already. They don't technically need heat if they have a mother, but it will make it easier for them to run around instead of staying under the broody. I would recommend a heat lamp.
  6. BantamNest

    Rooster with swollen face and throat.

    Pictures would be really helpful. Is the swelling located around feathers, or just swollen?
  7. BantamNest

    new member

    Welcome, Jeff!
  8. BantamNest

    How Do I Treat Multiple Feather Cysts?

    Alain, the ameraucana, died today. I am considering sending her in for testing. Though externally the bumps appeared to be feather cysts, when punctured they were fleshy (like tumors) instead of filled with an infection (like bumblefoot and feather cysts). They were external tumors which...
  9. BantamNest

    Molting chicken went blind and is now turning white.

    If anyone is interested or has this problem with there birds: It turns out she has a common genetic defect, found most famously in a strain of chickens bred for disease testing but also naturally. This defect is a genetic linking of uveitis, which causes blindness and loss of colour in the...
  10. BantamNest

    How Do I Treat Multiple Feather Cysts?

    We have been giving her nutri-drench. She has lost significant weight (severely underweight), and is acting really strange. She has never been a friendly bird and hates being held. Usually she is very vocal on this point, but now she's just very quiet and only struggles when I touch her...
  11. BantamNest

    Sexing three week old Serama

    Any ideas about gender?
  12. BantamNest

    Feather Sexing Seramas?

    Can you feather sex baby seramas?
  13. BantamNest

    Molting chicken went blind and is now turning white.

    Here are her eyes And these are her feathers. They came in black, and now are slowly loosing pigment.
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