Dec 31, 2015 #2 oldhenlikesdogs Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow BYC Staff Project Manager Premium Feather Member 9 Years Jul 16, 2015 60,091 127,410 1,752 Wisconsin Way too young for anything but a random guess, wait a month or so.
Dec 31, 2015 #3 cheequechick In the Brooder Dec 18, 2015 31 1 22 Indonesia Do you only have 1 or few chicks? From what I know, it is easier to tell gender on very young serama by observing their behaviour. A Roo is more aggresive and likes to 'fight play'. If you have 2 roo, they are usually the most often chicks that 'fight play'
Do you only have 1 or few chicks? From what I know, it is easier to tell gender on very young serama by observing their behaviour. A Roo is more aggresive and likes to 'fight play'. If you have 2 roo, they are usually the most often chicks that 'fight play'
Dec 31, 2015 #4 howfunkyisurchicken Crowing 11 Years Apr 11, 2011 9,281 838 391 Tn Pullets "fight play" too, just as much as little cockerels, in my experience. I agree, they're too young to tell.
Pullets "fight play" too, just as much as little cockerels, in my experience. I agree, they're too young to tell.