Recent content by beloges

  1. beloges

    So do I REALLY need a walk-in coop?

    If you build the coop so the floor is at 3-4 feet, you don't have to crawl anywhere and the area below the coop is automatic shade inside the run area. there are plans online that describe features that allow for easy cleaning of the coop floor.
  2. beloges

    Opinions on this coop?

    That looks pretty great to me. The porch overhang section could be wrapped in hardware cloth and that make a pretty good run.
  3. beloges

    Please Help! Raccoon Problem!!! Click Here!!!!!!!!

    galvanized hardware cloth on the floor of the coop and around the perimeter. You can bury it a little. Raccoons can’t get through it. They are persistent though and will try to find another weak spot in your structure so you may find other spots to shore up as well.
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