Please Help! Raccoon Problem!!! Click Here!!!!!!!!

I have guns. big guns, little guns, air rifles, air pistols, dog and cat proof hand traps, leg traps, live traps, poison ... but have rarely have to use anything as my coop is armored and they just move on. The few times they haven't they moved on to the next place by things that work.
I was an Animal Control Officer for 13 years and when anyone had problems with critters digging under their buildings I always told them to get a bottle of Ammonia put a rag in a can then saturate the rag and leave several of them under and around the area you don't want critters. I used soup cans. But any can will do. Works for me and never had anyone come back saying they still had a problem. You may still have to saturate the rags once in awhile to keep up if you have a persistent problem
Hmmm, I wonder if this would keep mice out of my camper?
Raccoons are digging under our chicken coop! Yes, raccoons. :mad: :he:he:he:he:rant:rant:rant:rantDarn raccoons!!!! They have been extremely persistent. What are fairly cheap products that you use that are affective raccoon repellents? ANY INFO WILL BE WELCOMED, AND APPRECIATED!!!!!
Thanks in advance!!!
Raccoons are digging under our chicken coop! Yes, raccoons. :mad: :he:he:he:he:rant:rant:rant:rantDarn raccoons!!!! They have been extremely persistent. What are fairly cheap products that you use that are affective raccoon repellents? ANY INFO WILL BE WELCOMED, AND APPRECIATED!!!!!
Thanks in advance!!!
Raccoons are digging under our chicken coop! Yes, raccoons. :mad: :he:he:he:he:rant:rant:rant:rantDarn raccoons!!!! They have been extremely persistent. What are fairly cheap products that you use that are affective raccoon repellents? ANY INFO WILL BE WELCOMED, AND APPRECIATED!!!!!
Thanks in advance!!!
galvanized hardware cloth on the floor of the coop and around the perimeter. You can bury it a little. Raccoons can’t get through it. They are persistent though and will try to find another weak spot in your structure so you may find other spots to shore up as well.
An ⚡️electric fence⚡️has done wonders for my coop. I live in a very rural area with ample wildlife predators (raccoon, coyote, mink, opossum, wild dogs, etc) but haven’t had any trouble. It’s powered by a solar charger with battery, has insulated fence holders, and the wire is mounted 2 inches off the ground.
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We have opossum and skunk problems, what we do is set out a live trap with some egg or meat in it and then in the morning we take a .22 to the head (of the animal not us :) ) works great.
Raccoons are digging under our chicken coop! Yes, raccoons. :mad: :he:he:he:he:rant:rant:rant:rantDarn raccoons!!!! They have been extremely persistent. What are fairly cheap products that you use that are affective raccoon repellents? ANY INFO WILL BE WELCOMED, AND APPRECIATED!!!!!
Thanks in advance!!!
Fly bait works effectively, but is a poison and will kill anything living that drinks it. I will never purchase fly bait again. My best defense is my 20 gauge shotgun (that my awesome husband got me for our 20 year anniversary). Raccoons are cute, but after losing way too much produce from my garden and orchard, you get over it. That's life.
We use hardware cloth under their secure run to keep out predictors like rats and on up to larger animals from digging under. We have hounds which so far seem to discourage raccoons so the girls can free range when we’re home. Our biggest concern so far are eagles, owls and hawks,though the dogs have scared a few of those away too. Hardware cloth is expensive but could probably use a hog ( or horse) fencing which is less expensive.
We have fencing 2' on the ground outside the pen to keep them from digging. But, they climbed up the 4x4's and ate the netting and I lost a few chickens last summer. But, I now have carpet tack strips on top of my 2x4 pen boundary, on the 4x4's in the ground, and we'll see how we do this year! It was a cheap fix. I hope!
My city told me to live trap and drown. >( Like, 7 years ago ya'll prosecuted a 90 year old lady for hitting a deer with a shovel and now you want me to drown raccoons on my property? Nuh-uh! Wish I had a recording of that conversation... Shooting is illegal here. So's hotwire and barbed wire.

We opted for exclusion. Chains and steel hardware and 2x4 beams over doors on all sections of our coop. They only come at night for me anyhow. You could lay down a dig guard on your fence too.

I thought my dad was the only one who trapped and drowned predators. He would do this when the predator was too dangerous to attempt to get out of the trap to shoot (raccoons because of the rabies concern and skunks because of spraying). But this was on the 30 acre farm where i grew up.

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