Recent content by birdblue

  1. birdblue

    bullied hen pecking own wounds (even with Blukote)!

    Thanks, chickluvinfreak! The lower run is 36 sq ft and the upper level is just under that, so it's 70 sq. ft. total. Plus we do let them out into part of the yard several times a wk. I will look into a head cone! Thanks.
  2. birdblue

    bullied hen pecking own wounds (even with Blukote)!

    Hi, I've been reading lots of threads but I can't find an answer to my particular pecking problem. Any help MUCH appreciated. I really don't know what else to do.... I'm literally so sad and fed-up with this pecking that I'm about to give up on backyard chickens. Which makes me super sad because...
  3. birdblue

    bloody stool, piperazine, and 1 panting chicken

    As an update, I did find Corid locally, followed your advice on all meds, and all my chickens are better! Thank you!
  4. birdblue

    bloody stool, piperazine, and 1 panting chicken

    I was able to locate Corid (finally--for some reason it is VERY hard to find in Denver area!) at a Tractor Supply 40 minutes away. Started last night. Woke them all up to give each one a dropper-full of medicated water. Same thing this morning for the Buff, who is definitely the worst off (not...
  5. birdblue

    bloody stool, piperazine, and 1 panting chicken

    Thanks again!!! Will follow your directions and hope for the best. More bloody poop in coop today, and the chickens are sitting down a lot more than usual. My buff orpington has a droopy, pale comb and keeps going to sleep. But they're all eating and moving when offered food so that's good...
  6. birdblue

    bloody stool, piperazine, and 1 panting chicken

    Thank you! I will follow your advice. I was able to buy Corid in liquid form on Amazon. Will arrive tomorrow. To confirm: the feed store owner told me 3 days of Piperazine, but you recommend just the 24 hours then immediately switching to Corid, correct? The chickens weren't drinking much today...
  7. birdblue

    bloody stool, piperazine, and 1 panting chicken

    Where do I buy Corid? I lost 2 chicks from this flock within the first 6 weeks despite medicated feed (over a year ago and they were never in the coop). I suspected coccidiosis then but a) couldn't find it at ANY local feed store, b) did end up having stools tested by a vet only to discover they...
  8. birdblue

    bloody stool, piperazine, and 1 panting chicken

    Hi, I am a new chicken owner. We have 5 and they are ~15 months old. This morning I discovered bloody poop in several spots in the coop and outside as well (we allow them to forage for about an hour a day, so they do eat earthworms, other bugs, etc). I took a poop sample to the vet but when I...
  9. birdblue

    2 1/2 week old chick passing blood lethargic is tetracylcine correct????

    SO, here's the latest in the chick saga. I called two local vets. The first said--surprise, surprise!--that it sounded like coccidiosis and to go to feed store to get Corid. (I told them I'd already called 3 feed stores and they supposedly don't sell it.) They also referred me to another vet...
  10. birdblue

    2 1/2 week old chick passing blood lethargic is tetracylcine correct????

    Thank you to everyone who's responded here. Unfortunately, the chick died this morning. I've now lost 2 (one died within 24 hrs of arriving home, with no signs other than listlessness). I have five remaining and I'm very concerned I will lose them, too--although at this point they're all healthy...
  11. birdblue

    2 1/2 week old chick passing blood lethargic is tetracylcine correct????

    Update: the chick turned the corner Tuesday night. She started eating and drinking and bloody stool disappeared. She was improving until yesterday, when she kind of went back to huddling under the heat lamp or just lying around not eating or drinking much. (She still does eat and drink some.)...
  12. birdblue

    2 1/2 week old chick passing blood lethargic is tetracycline right?

    Thank you for your help!! I put it on the emergency thread. I'm even more confused now b/c another feed store employee said it DOES sound like coccidiosis but that tetracycline is the preferred treatment. ??? She seems to be doing a little better.
  13. birdblue

    2 1/2 week old chick passing blood lethargic is tetracylcine correct????

    Thank you for your help! This morning I called the feed store that originally told me there's no coccidiosis in the area. I talked to someone different, who told me it DID sound like coccidiosis. He agreed with the feed store I went to yesterday that tetracycline is what they give for it. ???? I...
  14. birdblue

    2 1/2 week old chick passing blood lethargic is tetracylcine correct????

    Hi, I'm new to BackYard Chickens and to chickens in general! We started with seven chicks. They're now between 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 weeks old. One died within 24 hours of getting her home, the others have all been fine until this morning when I discovered drops of blood in the pine shavings in their...
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