Recent content by bndck316

  1. bndck316

    Pet Turkey's?

    Thank you I think they are beautiful too! I never thought my lif would revolve around my animals but it does .lol.
  2. bndck316

    Turkey hurting my Dogs

    Well mine are not in a pen only at night he has been raised with these dogs and it's funny that he just started . He has a hen but he protects like he does her..
  3. bndck316

    Turkey hurting my Dogs

    Maybe you are right but that was on Wed. and he is still after my dogs. It is every time I am around he runs the dogs away from me.
  4. bndck316

    Pet Turkey's?

  5. bndck316

    Pet Turkey's?

    I love my turkeys. [/IMG]
  6. bndck316

    Turkey hurting my Dogs

    I have a tom turkey that I raised since he was 2 days old and a hen and they are tame and follow me around but the other day I fell in the yard and my blue heeler dog came over to me and when I got up my tom turkey started being aggressive to my dog not only that dog but the other 2 I have also...
  7. bndck316

    Pet Turkey's?

    you are not crazy I have 2 pet turkeys Romeo and Juliet and they are so sweet.
  8. bndck316


    well it was by accident that I got the turkeys but I love them they are so sweet. I have 2 Royal Palms and one Blue Steel and their names are Romeo & Juliet and Captain Jack. I have 3 pekin ducks and 6 grown chickens and 7 baby chicks. I also have 4 miniature Hereford cows and 2 baby calves...
  9. bndck316


    Hello, I am Donna from Arkansas and a new to raising chickens, turkeys and ducks but I am learning and loving my babies.
  10. bndck316

    Hole in neck

    My turkey got attacked by a dog and I thought it only stripped his neck so I took him inside and cleaned him up and started putting antibiotic ointment on it and applying it daily but last night I saw him drinking and water was coming out of his neck. What can I do and is there hope to save...
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