

In the Brooder
Sep 30, 2016
Hello, I am Donna from Arkansas and a new to raising chickens, turkeys and ducks but I am learning and loving my babies.
Greetings from Kansas, Donna, and :welcome. Great to have you aboard! Wow! You jumped in feet first with 3 poultry varieties! As a newbie a great place to get some great knowledge is the Learning Center here It is loaded with articles about various aspects of poultry care and management and it also has an 'other' poultry section for your ducks and turkeys. There are also dedicated forums for the other poultry species here where you can post question, etc. Finally, if you'd like to chat with fellow Arkies you can locate the AR thread in this forum
Best wishes and have fun with your flock! :)
Hello there and welcome to Backyard chickens! Redsox did such a great job on his post there is nothing else to say, so hello and good luck! :weee
well it was by accident that I got the turkeys but I love them they are so sweet. I have 2 Royal Palms and one Blue Steel and their names are Romeo & Juliet and Captain Jack. I have 3 pekin ducks and 6 grown chickens and 7 baby chicks. I also have 4 miniature Hereford cows and 2 baby calves and 4 Goats. I am struggling to keep Captain Jack alive because the neighbors dog got him and he has a hole in his neck and water and food comes out and I have tried everything short of sewing it up myself. I have even tried super glue and that has allowed him to drink and eat without it coming out. Where I live they don't have vets that take care of chickens and turkeys and everyone is telling me to just wring his neck :( I can't and won't. I love my babies.
Hi and
! We are glad you joined the flock! :)

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