Recent content by Bovee

  1. Bovee

    Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

    These are incredible pictures and your birds are so exotic! I was able to find a small bag of Ultra Kibble and am testing it now. It took some effort but I have the feed information - We are feeding a Purina Game Bird mix that is labeled Growth and Plummage but none of the information ON the...
  2. Bovee

    Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

    Thank you both very much for the support. My husband thinks I am losing my mind because I am spending every spare moment scrutinizing poo and watching birds for odd behavior. (Because we are also caring for 2 old dogs and have recently had a major death in family.) The two hens that died before...
  3. Bovee

    Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

    I thought about it - but I wasn't sure my untrained eye would be able to figure anything out plus I'm just so sad with all the loss this fall that I guess I was avoiding one more try and fail. I definitely would have asked our Extension Office to help me find an option for laboratory analysis...
  4. Bovee

    Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

    okay - good to know. I probably could have caught her without too much chaos on Wednesday but it didn't seem she was as bad as she apparently was. When I wormed down the throat before, I only did 1 cc so next time will use the doses you quote here. One more question - Should they all be...
  5. Bovee

    Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

    I live in rural VA and there are no vets in the area that service birds other than production chicken facilities. I would have sent this one in for testing through Extension Service but she died on Thanksgiving and they will not open again until Monday. We had 3 pens at the beginning of this...
  6. Bovee

    Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

    The flock was wormed with SafeGuard in water for 3 days 11/6-8 - which was a follow up to a treatment that ended 2 weeks before that (initiated in response to first bout of illness). Raw sugar was added to drinking water (2 T / gal) only when Corid was started again to encourage drinking. I...
  7. Bovee

    Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

    My hen died yesterday (Thursday) afternoon. She roosted the night before (Wednesday), had been drinking Corid in sugar water since Tuesday morning and was even pecking Thursday morning. Her weight was normal. The only thing that was different between finishing the extensive treatments...
  8. Bovee

    Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

    Following up to my happy note and requesting some advice. As described in my happy report - I finished (11/10) dosing and maintenance (Emtryl and Corid) of my penned hens, 2 of 4 had been noticeably affected by an apparent combination of Blackhead followed by Coccidiosis. After 2 weeks of...
  9. Bovee

    Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

    Thanks for this thread that empowered me to save 7 of my 9 birds. Blackhead followed by Coccidiosis! I have had peacocks for about 10 years now. The first pair was given to me by an older couple that was quitting. My first male lost a battle with a Muscovy drake and was replaced. The...
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