Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

okay - good to know.
I probably could have caught her without too much chaos on Wednesday but it didn't seem she was as bad as she apparently was.
When I wormed down the throat before, I only did 1 cc so next time will use the doses you quote here.

One more question - Should they all be getting the maintenance dose of Corid every day as normal routine?
I also have Sulmet if it is best to cycle/alternate.

I would not use corrid on a daily bases unless you have chicks under 4 months of age and have a problem with cocci or suspect cocci........ they need to develop a resistance to this and dosing them all the time may prevent them IMO If they do develop cocci... corrid is very effective pretty fast...a good worming regimen helps keep cocci at bay also
I will tell you this inadequate worming can bring a birds resistance down making them susceptible to other things that may otherwise not bother them, this time of year they are molting and preparing themselves for the next breeding season if they are old enough all these things require alot of energy and a healthy immune system
How old was your pea? i have not had time to read your entire post i came upon it as it was new, i have been away from BYC as my breeding season had me running circles for quite a while, now things have slowed down and i have time to come back and be with my friends here....

Also i would stay away from sulmet as a preventive it kills the gut flora and that is something they need to aid in absorbing nutrients , if they are sick it will not matter because they are not going to be absorbing much anyhow ..... I learned the hard way that peafowl are masters at hiding their illness till they are almost dead, i lost my first peahen hours after noticing she was off looking........ she died from a respiratory infection she never looked ill to me but there was a sign and i did not realize it till i lost her, one of her ears was draining i thought it was just wet from scratching , but did notice the ear flap was not laid down properly and rather than take a closer look i dismissed it as so and she died in my arms 2 days later

There are some great folks here to help you with just about anything health wise .....................Casportpony has incredible knowledge about medical issues and how to treat she is your go to person here , she has done more research on these subject than anyone on their entire website and she has also dealt with many things herself, i will always trust her advise and recommend other do the same, she will dig deeper for the right answer where others may only give you a part of them.
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Thank you both very much for the support.
My husband thinks I am losing my mind because I am spending every spare moment scrutinizing poo and watching birds for odd behavior.
(Because we are also caring for 2 old dogs and have recently had a major death in family.)
The two hens that died before I really knew what was happening were 1 yr old.
The hen that died Thanksgiving was 4 yrs old.
The hen that was saved (so far) from Blackhead is also 4.
I have 2 cock birds age unknown and one cock bird that is 4.
I also have two hens that have not shown signs of illness and are 1 yr old.

I have on hand
Corid - liquid
Emtryl - powder
SafeGuard - liquid
Duramycin-10 - soluble powder form of tetracycline hydrochloride

I am feeding a mix of
cat kibble"
cracked corn
medicated game bird starter
cayenne pepper flakes

And what I believe is mostly a nutritional supplement called "Rooster Booster Multi-Wormer Triple Action" but it does contain "Total Lactic Acid Producing Bacteria" and lists:
lactobacillus casei
lactobacillus acidophilus
enterococcus faecium
baclls subtilis
bifidobacterium logum
bifidobacterium thermophilum
Although I notice these dark crumbles seem ignored and remain in the food bin... maybe the mice are getting some wormer.

I had been using only Wazine to worm but, after finding this blog in September, I have wormed 4 times with SafeGuard in water.

1. I'd like to know how to make a mash for Rx - quoted in one of the received responses.
2. I'd like to confirm that, since I have had cocci issues, it would be okay to continue maintenance dose of Corid in flock water for another 2 weeks.
3. I'd like to know if I should give the flock a prophylactic dose of antibiotic and if so is the Duramycin-10 the right thing to give.
4. I'd like some advice on whether or not to corral the cock birds in my one dry pen with the hens - I am afraid of fighting injuries.

Thanking you in advance.
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Thank you both very much for the support.
My husband thinks I am losing my mind because I am spending every spare moment scrutinizing poo and watching birds for odd behavior.
(Because we are also caring for 2 old dogs and have recently had a major death in family.)
The two hens that died before I really knew what was happening were 1 yr old.
The hen that died Thanksgiving was 4 yrs old.
The hen that was saved (so far) from Blackhead is also 4.
I have 2 cock birds age unknown and one cock bird that is 4.
I also have two hens that have not shown signs of illness and are 1 yr old.

I have on hand
Corid - liquid
Emtryl - powder
SafeGuard - liquid
Duramycin-10 - soluble powder form of tetracycline hydrochloride

I am feeding a mix of
cat kibble"
cracked corn
medicated game bird starter
cayenne pepper flakes

And what I believe is mostly a nutritional supplement called "Rooster Booster Multi-Wormer Triple Action" but it does contain "Total Lactic Acid Producing Bacteria" and lists:
lactobacillus casei
lactobacillus acidophilus
enterococcus faecium
baclls subtilis
bifidobacterium logum
bifidobacterium thermophilum
Although I notice these dark crumbles seem ignored and remain in the food bin... maybe the mice are getting some wormer.

I had been using only Wazine to worm but, after finding this blog in September, I have wormed 4 times with SafeGuard in water.

1. I'd like to know how to make a mash for Rx - quoted in one of the received responses.
2. I'd like to confirm that, since I have had cocci issues, it would be okay to continue maintenance dose of Corid in flock water for another 2 weeks.
3. I'd like to know if I should give the flock a prophylactic dose of antibiotic and if so is the Duramycin-10 the right thing to give.
4. I'd like some advice on whether or not to corral the cock birds in my one dry pen with the hens - I am afraid of fighting injuries.

Thanking you in advance.
What is the ingredient in the medicated game bird starter? I ask this question because this year i hatched out turkeys and i purchase medicated started after i read the label i stopped as the label stated that feeding this medicated feed to older turkeys guineas and other such bird could kill them, i promptly notified my feed supplier and they had no idea this could happen and they stopped selling it and went with another feed, check that label and read the precautions this may be one of the meds that can kill older birds, it also stated that this medication could make it to where the turkeys had no residence to cocci... most folks were feeding this feed with the intention of processing their birds so they would not have experienced death from it as their birds were still young. I took the label to the feed supplier and they kept it so i do not remember the name of the medication but it was not amiprol it started with an M if i remember right...

Never give your birds antibiotics unless they need them .... if your birds are older i see no good reason to give them corrid as a matience as their resistance should be built up at this age but if it isn't and they get cocci then by all means treat them for it. Rooster booster will not kill all the worms that can affect peafowl but safeguard will so use that, no sense in half way worming them IMO

I feed all my peafowl Ultra Kibble it is formulated for peafowl and other game birds and is used by zoo's nation wide, i swear by it and advise folks to feed it as well , I purchase it in bulk as i have many peafowl and i do save money feeding it compared to the flock raise i use to feed with it till i found it could be feed as a regular feed along with other flesh food i provide as well as nuts and seeds, all of my birds free range and they could go eat the flock raiser but they do not, this tell me they like and need what i am feeding them.... My green peafowl also free range some but
it will not be forever like the blues as if they start roosting in the trees and we get a freeze they could loose their toes so i rely on the kibble to keep them healthy ;

do not know what kind of cat food you feed but i recommend feeding one that is grain and preservative ,and dye free and start with fish as a first ingredient there are several great brands out there .

The first 4 photos were take when i was only adding the Ultra Kibble to their feed..
the next for photos were taken when i fed them the ultra kibble as a mainstay in their diet and stopped feeding them soy based feeds for 4 weeks...

these are them now photo take 3 days ago

These photos were taken on 11/5 when i had to fit them with bits because they were plucking feathers so bad they were naked necks LOL I love their yellow faces , these peas hatched out between may and June of this year

Here are the cat foods i feed as a treat .. they prefer Taste of the wild but sometimes Tractor supply is out of the big bag .

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PS i do not know much about penning birds mine all free range but as long as it is not breeding season upon me my males are all fine together and i have 18 adult males ;) after this next month they will begin to claim territory and the dance ( sparring ) will begin and they either tough it out or run and find a place to get away , in a penned situation they can not do this unless it is extremely big like 1000's of square feet with hiding places .

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These are incredible pictures and your birds are so exotic!

I was able to find a small bag of Ultra Kibble and am testing it now.

It took some effort but I have the feed information - We are feeding a Purina Game Bird mix that is labeled Growth and Plummage but none of the information ON the bag describes that name. Eventually I noticed a small paper stitched into the bottom of the bag where "Startena" ingredients were identified. The active drug ingredient is Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate 50 g/ton.
These are incredible pictures and your birds are so exotic!

I was able to find a small bag of Ultra Kibble and am testing it now.

It took some effort but I have the feed information - We are feeding a Purina Game Bird mix that is labeled Growth and Plummage but none of the information ON the bag describes that name. Eventually I noticed a small paper stitched into the bottom of the bag where "Startena" ingredients were identified. The active drug ingredient is Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate 50 g/ton.
That Feed is formulated to feed up to 6 weeks, the key to a healthy peafowl is to eliminate soy and provide a diet geared toward peafowl and other birds in the pheasant family, do you have a facebook ? If so PM me your info and i will add you to a small group we created just for peafowl and we are working together to learn about feeding proper diets to peafowl rather than just feeds geared for meat and egg production , many folks do not like change so i only invite those interested in learning these things ;) we can also help you in finding UK in larger quantities for much lower price, i save 86 dollars on every 40 pound bag i buy after shipping and i need that savings as i can have up to 200 peafowl at any given time.. I highly recommend you stop using that feed ;)............................................... if your peafowl stick their beaks up to the UK try wetting it and let it sit for about 20 minutes then give it to them , i will warn you that once you get them on this diet it will be difficult to get them back on chicken type feed as they relish the kibble, i learned that first hand here which don't bother me one bit i am glad they do not want to eat the chickens feeds i have out for the turkeys,chickens and guinea fowl , oh and those birds also want the ultra kibble , i have to stand guard with a walking stick 30 minutes 2 times a day to keep them off the peafowl feeding platforms LOL but they will snatch up what falls on the ground and give me a hard time trying to get up there to the UK feeders rather than eat from the other feeders i leave out just for them LOL

Sweet taters are a wonderful treat

Home grown larvae is a great meat source and i can teach you how to go thousand for the cost of a bag of grain

In good feather makes all the difference in the world

healthy treats

My baby boy Kermit he is a house pea , fist year to try this so far so good

Kermits safe place he is a mommas boy

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@zazouse , why do you not want to feed soy? Just curious...

the natural estrogen can reek havoc on their system , these birds are not daily layers not raised for meat like other birds, they take longer to mature than a turkey chicken goose guinea and many other fowl, and they need a more and viable protein source than soy , removing soy from their diet and make other changes can increase hatch rates ten fold and also help boost your peas immune system as there is alot of stress put on their system from both molting and breeding season, your birds will be in health both inside and out
It saddens me to see so many birds becoming ill and IMO diet can play a major roll in resistance

I have a write up that was provider by one of our group members on this, i will find it and post it here, i do not want folks to think i am trying to change the way they feed here unless they want to learn ,so please do not think the post is directed at anyone , i have already delt with this when posting info on my our group , this is just an eye opener for those that want to take the time to learn how a birds system utilizes nutrition .... Most everyone i sell peafowl asked what to feed them and is there a feed for peafowl well there is and it is also used by zoos all over the US , it is not chicken feed it is formulated to mimic a wild diet as possible .
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