Recent content by Buffnoob

  1. Buffnoob

    2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    Delayla loves to photobomb Delayla and Murphy in a epic stare-down for control of the stairs...
  2. Buffnoob

    Dog attack

    Thanks for the advice and the well wishes. I think she will make a full recovery and it couldn't be any sooner. Her sister misses her which means she lets everyone know she is lonely. Been keeping the injured one in the house and now it's just a waiting game for the skin to regenerate so she...
  3. Buffnoob

    Dog attack

    Hello everyone, I was hoping I could get some advice on first aid for Clucky my buff. She was attacked 3 days ago by a small dog and I've been doing the best I can minus taking her to a vet for a horrendously large bill. That flap of skin you see there is on her rear right side and it's close...
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