Recent content by BuzzKillBillZ

  1. BuzzKillBillZ

    Bellevue Nebraska Chicken Laws

    This is from an email I received directly from the city code enforcement. After speaking with them over the phone today they told me that being a member of the forums here counts as belonging to an organization for exhibition. You just have to provide them a printed copy of your profile page. I...
  2. BuzzKillBillZ

    City requires organization membership?

    Yeah, apparently the grandfathering required you to register and apply for a permit in a very small window and the city didn't start enforcement of the new ordinance untill after that window expired. Before that there was no requirements on raising cickens to my knowledge. So I had no idea it...
  3. BuzzKillBillZ

    City requires organization membership?

    Hello, I just created an account here even though I have been following the site for a while. I had raised pet egg laying chickens before and loved my girls. They were some pretty leghorns and boy did they lay eggs. Unfortunately, I live in Bellevue Nebraska and the city has passed some...
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