Recent content by CalamanEggs

  1. CalamanEggs

    2 of my 9 RIR's chicks are very strange

    Donrae is right, looks like chick down. In the first pics they looked almost speckled white but now she looks like a RIR to me. As for size, hard to say? We had a RIR chick in our first batch who was always tiny and somewhat sickly. She is still half the size of her sisters but lays beautifully...
  2. CalamanEggs

    2 of my 9 RIR's chicks are very strange

    Maybe red sex link chicks?
  3. CalamanEggs

    Cool cross breeds!

    This is our Sly. He is a 7-month old Ameraucana x Rhode Island Red. He doesn't look as handsome in pictures as he does in person!
  4. CalamanEggs

    Barnevelder Breed & Sex Help?

    Thanks, we're not sure either! :) I wouldn't mind if they weren't barnevelders, would just like to know what they are at all. We were told they were 4 mos when we bought them which would make them around 7 months now and no one has laid an egg....
  5. CalamanEggs

    Barnevelder Breed & Sex Help?

    We got five "hens" that are allegedly barnevelders. After doing some research I believe they are either blue laced or a mixed breed. Also we know at least 2 are roosters..., I've posted some pics of them, any thoughts??
  6. CalamanEggs

    Hen Hatched... This or That?

    We figured as much... he's just a different looking guy! Thanks everyone!
  7. CalamanEggs

    no eggs for a long time now

    They say chickens slow down at around two years of age, but you have some of the more prolific laying breeds so I don't know as if that is going to be the main reason they are slow. I know several people with older birds that still lay. We've never wormed, but it wouldn't hurt to do so. It...
  8. CalamanEggs

    no eggs for a long time now

    We have rhode island reds and barred rocks who just turned a year. They laid faithfully all winter long (we are in Wisconsin and had a BRUTALLY cold and snowy winter) and suddenly stopped when the weather began to turn nicer and the days got longer. Ours did not molt in the fall and we noticed...
  9. CalamanEggs

    How many times a week do i give apple cider vineger in water. Like 3 times a week or like everyday

    We add it to their water regularly, probably every 2-3 days. We probably do it more during stressful times such as molting, cold weather, new additions, etc. They seem to prefer it versus just plain water and there are lots of benefits. I don't know as if there are any hard and fast rules as to...
  10. CalamanEggs

    Hen Hatched... This or That?

    We had a broody Rhode Island Red who was either crossed with our Barred Rock or Ameraucana rooster. One of the babies is this little guy or gal. We assumed rooster given the color and long neck, tail and rump feathers. BUT, s/he doesn't crow and doesn't have spurs. Another rooster hatched with...
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