Recent content by casie

  1. casie

    Who laid this egg?

    This morning I went out to my coop where I have one duck and one drake separated from the rest of the flock because they are being treated for bumble foot. My little girl is about 8 months old and has been laying eggs on and off but today in her coop I found the littles egg I have ever seen...
  2. casie

    What breed of ducks are these?

    Wow they are a really pretty breed or cross breed!
  3. casie

    Incubating please help

    I have 5 beautiful Ducks at all different sizes. They all seem happy and healthy
  4. casie

    Incubating please help

    I could continue to keep in in the incubator but it seems so lonely. It has more energy that my others did
  5. casie

    Incubating please help

    Should I not put this little cutie in the brood box with te other 4?
  6. casie

    Incubating please help

  7. casie

    Incubating please help

    So far I have managed to hatch 4 lovely ducks over the course of 2 weeks. I had one left in the incubator that when last candled was moving around in the shell. I went to check and see if it had piped yet, I do that 4 or 5 times a day, i couldn't see a pip. On my way out of the room I heard...
  8. casie

    Incubating please help

  9. casie

    Incubating please help

    So after 18 hours of little to no progress, I decided to help this little one out. This ducks egg sells are lit cement compared to my others and I was really worried I would lose this little guy too. I stayed up all night and slowly over 12 or so hours helped this little guy out. I read everyone...
  10. casie

    Hatching ducks, help needed

    I have posted elsewhere on this site but am in full panic mode. I have been trying to incubate eggs that my duck laid but have not been successful in getting any to to hatch yet. This morning I woke up to one that has piped. At 9 am I checked and there was a little x crack in the shell, but no...
  11. casie

    Incubating please help

    This morning I woke up to a pip I think a little x of broken shell, but no progress since this morning at 8 when I noticed it. If I talk to the egg it wiggles sometimes should I be seeing more progress?! I really don't want another dead duck on my hands : ( please help
  12. casie

    Incubating please help

    So today I work up to a tiny hole in one of my eggs! And some very quite peeping! I think someone is trying to come out and see me, however it's not the egg I expected. I have had one for about 4 days that I can see the little beek and see it wiggling around but I don't see any blood vessels...
  13. casie

    Incubating please help

    Most of my eggs make a nice oval air sac but one that I can see what look like the beak moving in looks kinda like 2 ovals, like thee is a point on opposite sides, should I worry about this or does this just mean the duck is getting close? It's hard to explain what I'm seeing. Like a v shape on...
  14. casie

    Incubating please help

    Where they are likely to pip? Does this mean that air sack upward? I know they have slanted so where that slant is on the bottom and the air sac on top?
  15. casie

    Incubating please help

    Well I have been able to get them to hatching point but have had 2 die during hatch, one in my incubator and one I gave back to mom. I would really like to care for these as best I can but with out knowing when they were laid I'm at a loss they all appear to be moving and doing ok so far. I have...
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