Recent content by Ccameron1989

  1. Ccameron1989

    Sick Mearns Quail - Please HELP!

    Thank you for the information! That is what I am struggling with - which is it (cocci or enteritis)? Surprisingly he is still kicking! The heat lamp is keeping him warm & I am force feeing him every 2 hours to keep fluids in him. Do you think a bird can come back from this or would it be more...
  2. Ccameron1989

    Sick Mearns Quail - Please HELP!

    I have a male mearns quail that is not eating/drinking, is fluffed up, has no interest in anything, sleeping a lot & losing weight quick! I have him separated & am keeping him warm but he still refuses to eat/drink. I started force feeding him last night but I am afraid it might be too late. Any...
  3. Ccameron1989

    Ameracauna/Easter Egger Rooster or Hen?

    I need help sexing this EE I was given!!! Pullet or cockerel?! Fingers crossed it is a pullet as I can't keep a cock..:fl
  4. Ccameron1989

    What breed, sex & age?!?! HELP!!

    Someone mentioned that it maybe an EE??? Here are a few close ups
  5. Ccameron1989

    What breed, sex & age?!?! HELP!!

    I was given this chicken and have no clue what breed it is, gender or age..:idunno Any ideas are greatly appreciated!!!
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