Recent content by ChellesChickens

  1. ChellesChickens

    Um identity of chicks and breeds?

    😂🤣 I knew it! My daughter has named him Big Red….. I call him butt nugget… jerk… hey stop that…. 😂 whatever comes to mind as he’s running around pecking all the others…. But he’s entertaining at least. Lol
  2. ChellesChickens

    Um identity of chicks and breeds?

    Thank you! They are all such sweet little babies…. 🤣 except for 4… and he’s not even mean to us… just the others.
  3. ChellesChickens

    Um identity of chicks and breeds?

    Thank you! Lol um 4 is already a nugget so I’m hoping he calms down…. I really want 1 to be a cockerel lol he is so sweet, but all of them are except for 4….. 🤣
  4. ChellesChickens

    Um identity of chicks and breeds?

    Lol no worries! I didn’t word it very well. 🤣 thank you
  5. ChellesChickens

    Um identity of chicks and breeds?

    Yes I have Dark Brahma/Cochin mixes. I guess I should have clarified. Lol I know what some of them are and not sure if they are all pullets…. I know it’s a hit or miss at this age… I believe they’re 7 weeks now…
  6. ChellesChickens

    Um identity of chicks and breeds?

    Yes, they are my sweet lavender orps, but wasn’t sure if they were both pullets.
  7. ChellesChickens

    Um identity of chicks and breeds?

    So of course I was told these were certain chicks and I’m only REALLY sure of a few….. I’m also terrified I have a million cockerels 😂🤣 okay realistically I KNOW I have at least one…. But am suspicious of a few others… I have 2 Lavender Orpingtons, some Easter Eggers. and some Brahma/Cochin...
  8. ChellesChickens

    I am beaming with Pride!

    Oh my they are absolutely adorable!!!! Yay on being big kids!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  9. ChellesChickens

    chick toys?

    Mirrors, clumps of grass, dirt…. 😊
  10. ChellesChickens

    Is she/he okay?

    Okay good to know! Thank you, no one so far seems to be messing with her, but I was thinking maybe I should get something in case they start?
  11. ChellesChickens

    Is she/he okay?

    Man, I hope so. She’s just looking worse. The orange coloring is due to their food. 😅 I gave them some wet food and they were really excited and literally throwing it…. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤣😂
  12. ChellesChickens

    Time to wean off heating plate?

    Ohhhh press and seal! GENIUS! I’m so over cleaning poop off the plate! 🤣 I clean it… 2 seconds later they’ve all pooped on it 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️😂
  13. ChellesChickens

    Blank space…. Need all the suggestions…

    Yes, we will have ramps. I was thinking 3.5 and 5 feet for roosts… and putting the nesting boxes at 2 feet….
  14. ChellesChickens

    Blank space…. Need all the suggestions…

    No it’s painted plywood, we still have a lot left to do, but just needed ideas on layouts and stuff. Located in Oklahoma.
  15. ChellesChickens

    Blank space…. Need all the suggestions…

    Okay so this is about a 10 x 10 space, don’t worry, we aren’t done. We need to finish cleaning, sealing, painting, cutting in vents.. allllll the things…. BUT where would you put the roost? How tall up? I’m thinking 2 ft and 4ft? But then the hubs wants the nesting boxes 2 feet up (yes they’ll...
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