Recent content by chickenandrice

  1. chickenandrice

    Turning eggs and hatch rate?

    That makes perfect sense. I was also thinking the automatic turner would cause less interruptions in temp and humidity. How worried should I be about having my incubator open while turning? Thanks for the help. Just getting into hatching.
  2. chickenandrice

    Turning eggs and hatch rate?

    Hey all, I am wondering if using an automatic turner once an hour would produce more/healthier chicks then hand turning 3 times daily? Hand turned the first batch, thinking of upgrading if it would mean better success.
  3. chickenandrice

    Automatic egg turner?

    Thanks for all the responses. I turned the first ones by hand, but heard a hen turns 50 times a day and the hatchery once a hour. I can turn them three times daily but with work not every hour. I guess I need to know if more turning would make more or healthier babies. Any thoughts?
  4. chickenandrice

    Automatic egg turner?

    Hi all, I have an homemade incubator that I have hatched some babies out of. I am now planning to build my own egg turner for my next hatch. I see the commercial style hold eggs on end, while some on YouTube have racks that roll the eggs. Anybody had more success with one over the other. The...
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