Recent content by chickenlove17

  1. chickenlove17


    Yes it is much more swollen than the other toe. Thank you so much for your help. I did see one video where the scab was removed and the foot soaked in Epsom salt and water. Would that be able to be done in these two cases or do you suggest the surgery?
  2. chickenlove17


    . This is the other chickens foot
  3. chickenlove17


    Two of my Rhode Island Reds seem to have a case of bumblefoot. I have only seen it on the inner pad of the foot. My chickens have it on the toe. Would that still be bumblefoot or something else?
  4. chickenlove17

    Unknown leg injury

    My 2 month old silkie rooster started staying in a corner most of the day. I checked him out and found a lump on his leg and I'm not sure what it is. His leg seems swollen. Any help is appreciated!
  5. chickenlove17


    He is very good. He came from a farm where he was the smallest chicken and got beat up a lot so he is skiddish. But other than that I have not had any problems and have gotten him to eat from my hand now.
  6. chickenlove17


    Thank you! That was what I was thinking but I wasn't quite sure. I don't know what many of the breeds look like besides what I have currently. I'm just not what breeds he is.
  7. chickenlove17


    This is the best picture I have of him. My neighbor bought him for my 13th birthday.
  8. chickenlove17


    Thank you! I have 4 Silkies, 5 Barred Rocks, 4 Rhode Island Reds, 5 Bantams, 1 Araucana, and 1 rooster that was a gift. I'm not quite sure what he is.
  9. chickenlove17


    Hi I'm Kelly! I have had chickens since I was in sixth grade and am currently in my second year of college. I currently have 20 chickens and 9 ducks. I am so excited to join here and will probably be having plenty of questions!
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