Recent content by chickens4gramma

  1. chickens4gramma

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Hi this is chickens4gramma. Well, I no longer have my chickens due to my parents declining health, but I wanted to offer my parent's greenhouse to anyone who would be interested in dismantling and salvaging it.. It is mostly glass with a glass screen door, a shingled roof with plexiglass...
  2. chickens4gramma


    Wow, I have not been on here in ages. Too far behind to even try to catch up. But I have a question. I accidently bought pellet feed instead of crumble (switched from Purina to Del's) and my chickens will not eat it. I thought they didn't like the new brand and that when they got hungry...
  3. chickens4gramma


    Quote: I have a cousin that lives in Graham that does petsitting.She has a facebook page.... Katies Critter Care I have her phone number if your interested pm me. I found her on FB. Thanks. There is a pet sitter closer to me called Kelly's Creature Comforts that I may talk to. Their...
  4. chickens4gramma


    I haven't been on here for a couple weeks, just too much going on over the holidays, so am WAY behind! I am wondering if anyone in the Bonney Lake/Lake Tapps general area has ever used a pet-sitting service? We just have the three chickens and the 6 month old cat, but we are going to Hawaii...
  5. chickens4gramma


    Quote: It was great to meet you and your girls! Thanks so much for sharing your Eprinex with me! Miss Tulay is just adorable--I would have liked to have rustled her!
  6. chickens4gramma


    Quote: What does "dusting" the coop mean? Sorry to be so dumb. Mix it in with shavings? I have an 8 x 10 coop with pine shavings on the floor and a little DE lightly mixed in. Since I only have three birds, I scoop with a litter box scoop every day, so my shavings have not been changed...
  7. chickens4gramma


    Quote: What does "dusting" the coop mean? Sorry to be so dumb. Mix it in with shavings? I have an 8 x 10 coop with pine shavings on the floor and a little DE lightly mixed in. Since I only have three birds, I scoop with a litter box scoop every day, so my shavings have not been changed...
  8. chickens4gramma


    Quote: Sorry I can't help you with the bug issue as I haven't had to treat my chickens yet and it sounds like you're being challenged from all directions right now! What I can tell you is that a lot of folks who make their own liquors, olive oils, vinegars, etc. come to us at Vino Aquino...
  9. chickens4gramma


    Quote: What does "dusting" the coop mean? Sorry to be so dumb. Mix it in with shavings? I have an 8 x 10 coop with pine shavings on the floor and a little DE lightly mixed in. Since I only have three birds, I scoop with a litter box scoop every day, so my shavings have not been changed...
  10. chickens4gramma


    Quote: Thank you CGG. That sounds fairly simple. But what about the coop? Do I have to disinfect it and change all the shavings? No, you don't have to disinfect, just dust with Poultry Dust or Seven. The mites thrive on their hosts, but dusting the coop is probably a good idea too. What...
  11. chickens4gramma


    Quote: Thank you CGG. That sounds fairly simple. But what about the coop? Do I have to disinfect it and change all the shavings?
  12. chickens4gramma


    Sounds like everyone is packing up for tomorrow. Wish I could be there, but we have a party at dh's boss' home we have to go to. At least I get to get my hair foiled and done for the party, so I guess it's all good. Today, I got up my nerve and picked up two of my hens--remember I have only...
  13. chickens4gramma


    Quote: This made me laugh! There are whole books on how to do this with your kids, one by Jerry Seinfield's wife (forgot the name), and one called The Sneaky Chef. They have great ideas for adding nutrition into kids' food without them knowing about it! I used to put veggies through the food...
  14. chickens4gramma


    Quote: Cheryl-sorry you didn't find out the sex of the baby. It is so hard to wait! But what did the doctor say about your heart issues and the problems you have been having? Are you okay?
  15. chickens4gramma


    Quote: I have seen and greatly admired the winter shot of your coop before but that recent autumn photo is brilliant! Such a pretty coop - perfect for an urban or suburban setting. May I ask who built it? Do you have any interior photos? I'd like to see pics of your "Illia" birds too...
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