Recent content by chickgirl12

  1. chickgirl12

    How?! 5 chickens=7 eggs a day

    Some chickens have a faster time with their eggs. There have been times I have gotten 6 eggs in one day. And I had 4 chickens. Most chickens take 24 hours to reproduce another egg. Dont be worried. Just enjoy the fast production rate!
  2. chickgirl12

    Hen Gone Missing

    The past two days have been very hard for me. I believe one of my 4 hens, Sunny, a Brahma, has gone missing. I am not sure if she is just lost or gotten attacked. Lately, we have had a substantial downpour of rain. I live close to a huge cornfield. Maybe she could be lost in there. Please other...
  3. chickgirl12

    Amerucanas and Easter Eggers

    Thank you everyone who has replied to my thread and also posted links!
  4. chickgirl12

    Amerucanas and Easter Eggers

    Can someone please tell me if there is a difference between an Amerucana chicken and a Easter Egger chicken?
  5. chickgirl12

    Boys VS Girls

  6. chickgirl12

    Boys VS Girls

  7. chickgirl12

    Boys VS Girls

  8. chickgirl12

    Boys VS Girls

  9. chickgirl12

    Boys VS Girls

  10. chickgirl12

    Boys VS Girls

    66 Are we allowed to go on like this till 100?
  11. chickgirl12

    Boys VS Girls

  12. chickgirl12

    Boys VS Girls

    62 :yesss:
  13. chickgirl12

    I'm back...

    I really like you. I think that you are pretty and you inspire me to be myself.
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