Recent content by ChicksInTheYard

  1. ChicksInTheYard

    Looking for some examples of treats/foods for my chicks. Suggestions???

    @Egghead_Jr That's a good tip with the whole training thing! I talk to my chickens and they do seem to recognize me and my aunt who gives them food. I'll start using the calls right away since I want to be able to let my chickens roam the yard and hill we have. But I do want them to come back...
  2. ChicksInTheYard

    Looking for some examples of treats/foods for my chicks. Suggestions???

    @3riverschick , When I'm more set up I'd definitely like to get some really good (and ultimately heritage) breeds. Right now I'm pretty sure I have two little roosters that I'm not sure what I'll do with. I'll probably keep one, rehome one. They are buff orps. And yes please let me know of...
  3. ChicksInTheYard

    Looking for some examples of treats/foods for my chicks. Suggestions???

    @3riverschick thanks for those links. And I live fairly close to you! (Just north of the 'burgh!). I think it's good to have "close" friends in case I need some emergency advice haha. Althhough there are always amazing ppl here to help! I appreciate all of your advice.
  4. ChicksInTheYard

    Looking for some examples of treats/foods for my chicks. Suggestions???

    Thanks for the replies so far! We do tend to have a lot of veggies starting to wilt in the fridge (I want to grow my own, but for now the store bought stuff is ok but just doesn't keep as well) and I have a decent size bag of sunflower seeds that will suit them well! Thanks for those tips! I...
  5. ChicksInTheYard

    Looking for some examples of treats/foods for my chicks. Suggestions???

    My chicks, as I've found out, are around 11 weeks old. I know that chicks have specific nutrient needs so I really have tried to be careful with them. I make sure they have fresh water and plenty of it (it's hot and humid here in PA, so they get some ice in their water) and I've given them only...
  6. ChicksInTheYard

    Just wanted to say HI to my new peeps!

    @drumstick diva that's exactly how I ID'd them! When I was with my son's dad he and his mom both had RIR (I got my chicks from her so I thought that's what I'd be getting!) But the more I looked at them I questioned the RIR thing. So I found the ever helpful (and fun) area of the forum for...
  7. ChicksInTheYard

    Just wanted to say HI to my new peeps!

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to swing by this thread and say hello. I just got 6 lovely chicks from a friend (and thank you guys for identifying This is the first time I'm trying to raise my own flock. My son's father had chickens and for the few years we were together I learned how rewarding...
  8. ChicksInTheYard

    Can you ID the breed of my chickens? And are two roosters? Thanks!

    I believe they are around 10-13 weeks. I have to ask the woman I got them from for an exact date. The pictures were taken today while I was feeding them. I also wanted to ask: Do they look pretty healthy? I don't know how big BO/EE should be around that age?
  9. ChicksInTheYard

    Can you ID the breed of my chickens? And are two roosters? Thanks!

    Thanks for the responses. I'm not disappointed about them being BO, that's what I suspected after digging around here lol. And I'm fine with having an EE, they are fun and they lay pretty well. I am definitely concerned about those two being roosters. If I don't keep them it's ok, because there...
  10. ChicksInTheYard

    Can you ID the breed of my chickens? And are two roosters? Thanks!

    BantamFan4Life, there are six chicks total (how nice if they are all pullets). Can you explain who is what? Thanks! At least I was right in thinking I don't have RIRs after all! Thanks for the help!
  11. ChicksInTheYard

    Can you ID the breed of my chickens? And are two roosters? Thanks!

    I got these from my son's grandma just before July 4th. I believe they were hatched around the same time. I believe they are around 10-13 weeks old (I have to double check with her). I thought she had RIR, but apparently she has a mix now (hers I don't believe are heritage breeds but I could be...
  12. Miss Elvira chillaxin'.

    Miss Elvira chillaxin'.

  13. Feeding one of my little girls!

    Feeding one of my little girls!

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