Recent content by chickyfun

  1. chickyfun


    Wow! Thank you so much =)
  2. chickyfun


    Thank you so much for your quick reply =) I Was hoping it was a hen, oh well. For my own knowledge and eagerness to learn more about chickens, can you tell me what you see that confirmed it was a cockerel for you?
  3. chickyfun


  4. chickyfun


    Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to post the picture .... will have it up just as soon as I do :)
  5. chickyfun


    Hi, I'm new to having chickens ..... every question I ever search brings me to this website. I have 5 chickens, about 4 months old .... I think one is a Roo (Barred Rock) possibly so I decided to join BYC and get your expert opinions =) The others are a Black Copper Maran, 2 Rhode Island...
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