

Mar 12, 2015
Hi, I'm new to having chickens ..... every question I ever search brings me to this website. I have 5 chickens, about 4 months old .... I think one is a Roo (Barred Rock) possibly so I decided to join BYC and get your expert opinions =) The others are a Black Copper Maran, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Ameracaua's and I also have 5 Ameracauna's about 2 months old. I started out raising chicks til they were bigger then sending them to my daughters house and became fascinated and got a coop of my own. Thanks for all the info. your site has provided! =)

Good to hear from you! :D

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to post the picture .... will have it up just as soon as I do :)
Thank you so much for your quick reply =) I Was hoping it was a hen, oh well. For my own knowledge and eagerness to learn more about chickens, can you tell me what you see that confirmed it was a cockerel for you?
The tail feathers are long and starting to curl...and the tail is set very erect. The comb and wattles are large and dark red, the neck feathers are longer and thinner than a hens. His posture is much more upright, and he is lighter colored than a barred rock hen (roosters carry double barring...hens only have single barring) I hope that helps!!!

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