Recent content by chookalina

  1. chookalina

    Help please!

    ok, mine look like the middle pic of your day tens.. hopefully all is good! I have to go in later tonight when it is dark and try again. Mama does not mind me looking. :) Thanks!
  2. chookalina

    Help please!

    I let my hen go broody and she has been pretty faithful. Tried candling a couple eggs, but it looks like there is a large mass on one side and an air sac on the other end. We are only at about day 10. She was off them for a few hours one day when I did not see her get on the wrong nest, but...
  3. chookalina

    Hemp Seed as "Treat" for Chickens?

    Hey! We managed to get a ton of a wheat, hemp and barley mix last year and our chooks did really really well on it. Sadly my supplier does not have any of this mix this year, but I am sold on it. They grew well, had gorgeous glossy feathers, and loved it. We are almost out, and just had a...
  4. chookalina

    What is up with these??

    Hey! Can anyone tell me what causes this??
  5. chookalina

    How long to leave eggs with broody

    I am in the same boat! Good luck! I just started!
  6. chookalina

    Broody hen! My first and hers! Umm.... help!!

    Ok, so one of my hens has decided to lay on about six eggs, and while I discouraged broodiness all winter, it is now mid-march and I figured, well heck, let her give it a try. We have a dozen nesting boxes in the henhouse, 15 hens and two roos. I am dreadful with dimensions, but I would say the...
  7. chookalina

    Looking for non-antibiotic ways to treat respiratory infections

    Well, despite the Baytril and my best efforts, Mary the hen did not make it. I was quite sad, even held her in my arms at the end and told her if it hurt too much it was ok to go, and she took two more shuddering breaths and was gone. Of course, she also pooped on my when she died. I was sad...
  8. chookalina

    Looking for non-antibiotic ways to treat respiratory infections

    Hello all! I found one of our hens mouth breathing and really rasping when she took a breath. We isolated her, took her to the vet (OUCH! $$$) and he put her on Baytril, and very expensive and hopefully useful antibiotic. I thought she had pneumonia, but he feels it is much higher up, in her...
  9. chookalina


    ok thanks guys! I am sure glad I joined BYC!
  10. chookalina


    Yes, it is dropping down below zero most nights now...
  11. chookalina


    So it is Oct. 9, and since my last post the girls (16 of them with two roos to inspire them) are laying an average of a dozen eggs a day. Which is wonderful. But today I went out, collected 12, and one girl was sitting on top of some eggs in one of the nesters. Now, as much as I really wanted a...
  12. chookalina

    26 1/2 weeks and Still NO Eggs...

    My girls started laying at 22 weeks on the dot! One in the coop, 6 in a nice little spot in the long grass BESIDE the coop...
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