Recent content by chris241

  1. chris241

    Need Help Changing Law in Henrietta NY

    Fox I agree with you. I talked with the town be for we got the chicks and was told that as long as no one comlained it was not a problem but if someone did complain the birds would have to go away. Someone complained and the birds are gone. What is you opinon with this bit of information?
  2. chris241

    information on town codes

    LORE has information on regulations for cities what about towns? Is there a place to post town codes? I assume the town code takes precedence.
  3. chris241

    Need Help Changing Law in Henrietta NY

    In a few hours I will be taking my six 4 month old chickens away. An unreasonable neighbor caught a glimps of one and called the town. I hope to get a special permit from the town. Any words of wisdom? How do we get the law changed? I am crushed. ticked !!!!!!!!!!
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