Recent content by CityChick7775

  1. CityChick7775

    Neighborhood Cats !

    There is a neighborhood cat that keeps getting in my yard and attacking my poor chickens! They are afraid now in their own backyard. Is there anything i can do to keep cats out of my yard.
  2. CityChick7775

    why is my chicken so attached to me?

    My two chickens are so attached to me. They follow me everywhere. They even fly up on my lap and my Americana has flown up on my head and back. It's crazy. They sleep by the back door when I'm in the house??
  3. CityChick7775

    Do chickens have dandruff??

    Thank you for the information.
  4. CityChick7775

    Do chickens have dandruff??

    It just seems to be a lot more lately. The weather has changed. I don't know if that affects it.?
  5. CityChick7775

    Do chickens have dandruff??

    My chickens Buff O are shedding some white flaky stuff. Is that normal? And what is it?
  6. CityChick7775

    When will my hen finally lay an egg?

    Wow! I only have two. A Buff Orpington and an EE chicken. I am hoping for 2 a day ?
  7. CityChick7775

    When will my hen finally lay an egg?

    That is soooo funny! you have clearly been through this a time or two. Thank you for your response. It was very helpful. I will take your advise. It feels like I'm waiting for Christmas
  8. CityChick7775

    When will my hen finally lay an egg?

    Ok, I'm sure you guys hear this question all the time. I got my chicks May 3rd (they were 3 days old) they are 17 weeks old. When can I expect them to start laying? They don't even seem close
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