Recent content by cjdmashley

  1. C


    Hi everyone hope your all staying dry today!
  2. C

    Indian Runner Ducking (pic)

    sooo cute love them little ones!!
  3. C

    vermont chicken swaps

    I think @ Felch's place in Berlin..Fathers Day 2011 (10am-2) I think!
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    My New KHAKI CAMPBELLS **??Boys or Girls??**

    thanks!~ i figured i was early but being my impatient self and a newbie to ducks I just had to ask!
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    My New KHAKI CAMPBELLS **??Boys or Girls??**

    Picked up 5 yesterday and all of them look the same. can anyone tell which these are or are they a little young yet? Thanks
  6. C

    WooHoo!! I hear peeps!!!!

    snowing here too!!
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    Need Help! I Think she's holding-in her eggs!!

    thank you very much I will give them some bath time tonight!
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    Brooder location

    I don't really see where it would hurt them...i know i'd like to spend my days in a nice humid warm room!!
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    Need Help! I Think she's holding-in her eggs!!

    We recieved five ducks from a friend who (very last minute) was moving out of state, three went to a neighbor and the male and female stayed with us. I have not seen her lay an egg (or found any on the ground of the coop) but noticed yesterday she seems to be very "rear-end" heavy and...
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    BBQ: Bacon Explosion!

    his website looks pretty current, hope all is well
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    BBQ: Bacon Explosion!

    I was so happy when I read this, I can't wait for my husband to get him from work so I can show him .....then the icing on the cake ....I could have cried when I saw where you were from LOVE VERMONT COOKING!!!!!!
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    Our new brooder!

    that is awsome!!! congrats and it looks great!! those boys did a great job! this was ours when DH finished with the almighty chicken warden "Daisy" on guard!
  13. C

    Deep litter method vs. sand: Who's tired both?

    i think it depends alot on your temps. We can't/don't use sand because it just gets too cold, so deep litter works best for our winters. Come summer we do a bit of both sand and litter ( they love the sand for sand baths) and switch things up sometimes just so they have someting different...
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