Recent content by Claud123

  1. Claud123

    Prolapse vent

    yes i put her in the crate as she’s seemed puffed up, but also to get a better look as she’s very timid. i put her back in the chicken house during the night as she seemed to perk up and her feathers went back to normal around her bum. i couldn’t feel anything as if there was an egg struggling...
  2. Claud123

    Prolapse vent

    does anyone know if this is prolapsed bent? I’ve never even heard of it before but when i searches what i could see one of the google images looked the same, although many didn’t and were more graphic. She’s definitely not herself and seems more puffed up. thanks in advance
  3. Claud123

    My duck gem not eating

    i think i’m having the same problem. yesterday my one girl wouldn’t eat and spent the day next to the drinker. She’s been very quite even though she’s usually not. This morning i checked and she hasn’t layed an egg as she lays huge ones compared to the other, and seems to be pulsing her bum as...
  4. Claud123

    Introducing A New Chicken !!FAST!!

    thank you for the help, i will try these methods, i am considering taking the chicken back though as i don’t want to destroy the calm dynamics there is. that’s plan B though.
  5. Claud123

    Introducing A New Chicken !!FAST!!

    i impulsively bought a new chicken a few days ago, i put it in the coop at night and all seemed fine but when i let them out in the morning the five existing hens were attacking her. i separated them again but this time she was in the original pen and they went on the grass around it. non of...
  6. Claud123

    I think my Pekin/Aylesbury Duck May be broody

    Is it a cherry valley duck?
  7. Claud123

    Keeping chickens and ducks together

    I had a pen ready for three ducks when I unexpectedly rescued five chickens! All I’ve done is split the run in half with low fencing so the ducks don’t get the chickens wet.
  8. Claud123

    Rescued one wild mallard duckling, can I integrate with my Pekin's?

    Sorry I wasn’t clear but I meant when it’s older. I’m ringing up RSPCA to see if they can help in the morning(UK time)
  9. Claud123

    Rescued one wild mallard duckling, can I integrate with my Pekin's?

    Me too, I have no idea how old it is but I’m feeding it un-medicated chick crumbs and it has heat. Do I release it or keep it?
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