Recent content by CluckCluck123

  1. CluckCluck123

    Don't know what breed or gender you have? Click here!

    Thank you so much! I'm happy to hear that most of my chicks are pullets.
  2. CluckCluck123

    Don't know what breed or gender you have? Click here!

    I have a few Ameraucana chicks that I bred myself that are now just over a month old. Can you tell whether they are pullets or cockerels? Chick #1 I've got a hunch that this one's a roo because of the comb, but I'm just double-checking. Chick #2 Chick #3 Chick #4 Chick #5
  3. CluckCluck123

    Show me your Easter Egger chicks please.

    Can anyone tell me if my chicks are pullets or cockerels? I am hoping that they are all pullets. I have two Bantams and two Ameraucanas. I have heard that there are many types of Bantams and Ameraucanas. I was told that Bantam #1 looks like a Porcelain D'uccle. I was also told that my 2...
  4. CluckCluck123

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Can anyone tell me if my chicks are pullets or cockerels? I have two Bantams and two Ameraucanas. I have heard that there are many types of Bantams and Ameraucanas. I was told that Bantam #1 looks like a Porcelain D'uccle. I was also told that my 2 Ameraucanas look like Easter Eggers. Can anyone...
  5. CluckCluck123

    sexing bantams

    Can anyone tell me if my chicks are pullets or cockerels? I have two Bantams and two Ameraucanas. I have heard that there are many types of Bantams and Ameraucanas. I was told that Bantam #1 looks like a Porcelain D'uccle. I was also told that my 2 Ameraucanas look like Easter Eggers. Can anyone...
  6. CluckCluck123


    I don't know exactly how old they are but they look like they're about four days to a week old. I bought them at a farm store so they could have been a mix of chicks. Thanks so much for telling me what you think they are. I don't really know much about chickens.
  7. CluckCluck123


    Can anyone tell me what gender these chicks are? I have 4 chicks. Two are Ameraucanas and the other two are Bantams. I've heard that there are many types of both Bantams and Ameraucanas. Can anyone tell me what type of Bantams and Ameraucanas I have? Ameraucana #1 Also Ameraucana #1...
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